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Things to Do

Lui Collins

Lui – vocals, guitar
Dana – harmony vocals, mandolin
Rose – accordion
Jenny – acoustic bass
Doug – drums

I got a lot to do this morning, so much on my mind
A restless gnawing in my gut, I know I’m way behind
If I keep pluggin’ hard till midnight I’m bound to get ahead
Maybe catch up to where I was when I got out of bed

I gotta finish up this list of things to do
Time waits for no one, so they say, it must be true.

Me? Compulsive? gimme a break, I have to work this way
I got a family to support, I’ve got to get that raise
I’ve got to keep my job, you see, though it may drive me berserk
‘Cause I gotta buy a brand new car so I can get to work

I took a weekend seminar, success was guaranteed
Put method in your madness, you’ll have all the time you need
To get organized, keep on track, put all things in their place
Don’t know quite where I’m going, but I know I’m making haste

Don’t bother me with reason, got no time to edify
Can’t interrupt my train of thought but I can’t remember why
It’s getting late, one thing more, before I hit the hay
Make a list up for tomorrow, get a jump start on my day

©1998 Molly Gamblin Music/BMI

Posted in Lyrics

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